
Monday, July 25, 2011

My main professional blogs are:

1 Details of new online publications on services, innovation, foresight, etc.: ONLINE PUBLICATIONS

2 Foresight links and essays: FORESIGHT

3 Futures Studies and related topics: FUTURES

4 On service economy and KIBS:  SERVICES

5 On social change and social studies of S&T:  SOCIAL AND TECHNICAL

Also I have much material on slideshare.net and scribd.com, and a homepage at www.mbs.ac.uk

Monday, January 28, 2008

Hi - go further down this page to see links to my main blogs.
The note below refers to an old couurse. You can find lots more material used for teaching - service innovation, foresight, etc - on slideshare and scribd. (update 2010)

new website for Knowledge Economy and Information Society course:

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm now providing material for my Knowledge Economy and Information Society course in the form of a blog, to augment the printed handouts etc.

Also some text from the permanently receding novel is going online.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Ian Miles' Blogs

This is an entry point to the blogs I'm running, Most of these are f
requently updated sites, where I will make several positings per working week. Click on the link to be taken to each blog.

Current blogs are:

1 Details of new online publications on services, innovation, foresight, etc., on:

2 Foresight links and essays:

3 Futures Studies and related topics:

4 On service economy and KIBS:

5 On social change and social studies of S&T:

6. Useful resources on the web (programs, radio stations, downloads):

Why so many blogs? Well. it Is unlikely that many people will share this range of interests exactly, so there's some scope for selectivity!
Finally, a site of less professional interest (unless you're a Milesian), and least frequently updated:


WARNING: MT Law Blog: Update - another blogspot blog that transmitts viruses and spyware: "
MT Law Blog
The bad news on blogs: be careful randomly visiting them e.g. via "Next Blog" button. Using the "Next Blog" button takes you to a randomly selected blog on blogspot. Unfortunately, some of the blogs download viruses and adware as soon as you visit the site....
So have a very secure system or take care!

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